Public Health Service Approves Marijuana Testing for PTSD Treatment

From flashbacks and insomnia to anxiety and depression, veterans are coming home to America in need of help on many levels, and the last thing they need is “chemical” medicine. Though “psych” meds are prescribed almost across the board for “psychological” issues, the psychiatric manual DSM-5 doesn’t say a word about nutrition and herbs. It doesn’t have a section on Cannabis sativa either. If you actually read the latest psychiatric manual, a.k.a. the psychiatry “Bible,” you realize that they have classified EVERY emotion as a disorder, so if a veteran happens to be a little anxious at the doctor while talking about what happened to them and their friends overseas, well, that’s grounds for a diagnosis of the symptoms that “appeared at that time” — and here come some scary drugs and complete lack of nutritional advice from a confused (allopathic) Western Medicine “witch doctor.

Is psychiatry itself going insane while our veterans look for balance and sanity in the nation that sent them to this crazy “war” in the first place? There has to be a sane solution, like treating our veterans with organic food, natural remedies and organic “coaching.” (

Believe it or not, this could be the norm soon, as researchers at the University of Arizona are showing how medical marijuana helps veterans with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) cope with the flashbacks, insomnia and anxiety, and this comes from the lead researcher! The study cleared a major hurdle when the Public Health Service (part of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) gave its approval. Now it’s up to the DEA — the Drug Enforcement Administration. (

PTSD study of 50 veterans also examines severe cases

The study examines 50 veterans with moderate to severe symptoms of PTSD, using marijuana from the feds’ only “mary jane” farm at the University of Mississippi. The participants will receive varying amounts of marijuana’s active THC, and the researchers will also compare smoking to vaporizing.
When will Obama or the next dictator stop raiding marijuana distributors and make hemp and THC legal across the country? When will our veterans be treated humanely, and not given untested psychotropic pharmaceuticals that have side effects of feelings of suicide? Can the USA please treat the people who fight for our freedoms with dignity and respect? You are what you eat, and if you eat GMO food, take GMO medications and drink fluoridated water, any conditions you have will worsen, and all of the innovative ways of treating PTSD will be thrown in the trash. (

The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that up to 20% of the troops who served in Iraq or Afghanistan have PTSD. Over 7 million Americans, that’s 7,000,000 (more than the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust), are estimated to have the disorder, and this is according to the National Institutes of Health. What happens now? Do emotions become disease? Does depression and disease get fed insecticides, pesticides and GMOs? That’s a vicious cycle with repercussions which could lead to millions of unnecessary fatalities.

What happens when you don’t eat right and you take toxic medications? The body becomes acidic and loses its immunity to disease and infection. And what happens when the mind is lost “at sea,” fearing for survival back home in a world gone “mad”? Stress is one of the leading causes of sickness and disorder, right up there with lack of nutrition. There are 900 diseases and disorders that begin due to lack of nutrition. Maybe the prescription “drug” based on the whole marijuana plant is the new “psych med,” and one without side effects that include the very symptoms we’re trying to treat!

This study is a first step in the RIGHT direction and State laws are the only way to protect veterans’ access to cannabis, but the DEA may NOT like people taking home a three-month supply of weed — the high-quality “kind.” After all, Obama has his henchmen who regularly raid organic farms, raw milk farmers, organic supplement suppliers and plenty of law-abiding business owners who run businesses that challenge the insane tactics and “methodology” of Big Pharma, Big Food the DSM-5 and Obamacare.

This was published in the L.A. Times regarding mental disorder and absurdity of classifying emotions in the DSM-5: This wholesale medical imperialization of normality could potentially create tens of millions of innocent bystanders who would be mislabeled as having a mental disorder. The pharmaceutical industry would have a field day — despite the lack of solid evidence of any effective treatments for these newly proposed diagnoses.

The manual, prepared by the American Psychiatric Assn., is psychiatry’s only official way of deciding who has a “mental disorder” and who is “normal.” (

In conclusion: The marijuana plant has been under scrutiny for years, even though it has proven results for nausea control in chemotherapy. People on chemo with no appetite are getting no nutrition, and marijuana balances their central nervous system long enough for them to eat and get the nutrition that they need so badly. If our veterans were given organic shopping lists and organic food subsidy checks, they would be much better off and healing so much faster. This research is a huge door to awhole world of real help that’s on the way! Make informed choices for yourself and any veteran you know. Share this vital information so that everyone knows about the benefits of natural foods, herbs, tinctures, superfoods and natural remedies in general!

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